
Objects of the
Canterbury Kennel Assn. (Inc.)
To promote and
nurture projects and initiatives directed at the general public, to pass
on learning about pure bred dogs, to share experiences and expertise, to
hold lectures, training sessions and exhibitions so as to increase the
publics competency, skills and understanding of dogs and their breeds. To
protect and promote the overall welfare of animals and to support (whether
financially or by other methods) initiatives that are conducive to those
aims, such that the primary purpose of the club shall be the advancement
of education about dogs and their breeds, in a charitable sense.
To encourage
like-minded people of the community to participate in and become involved
in the activities of the club.
To administer and
control the use and upkeep of the clubs centre at McLeans Island,
Christchurch, known as the Canterbury Kennel Centre.
To provide
assistance to other similar charitable organisations through co-operation,
hands on service, the sharing of ideas, fundraising events and the
provision of sponsorship or prizes.
To undertake other
general charitable activities within New Zealand of a similar nature as
may be conducive to the obtaining of the above objects or which may
benefit the community generally.
The club's objects
shall only be carried out in and to benefit people in New Zealand, however
the club may carry out activities outside New Zealand to promote the club.